NEWS: Second International Exhibition of the Designer Interior Doll «Together Forever» dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russian ballet
Second International Exhibition of the Designer Interior Doll «Together Forever» dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russian ballet
Fabulous autumn holidays will be presented by the Consulate General of Russia in Almaty, the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteev and the puppeteers community of Kazakhstan "Center of the Universe of Dolls". The joint project-exhibition of the designer interior doll “TOGETHER FOREVER” dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russian ballet from November 1 to 11 will be a real gift for Almaty residents: events for participants of any age, amazing meetings, theatrical performances and dolls with soul are far from complete Second International Exhibition. For fans of interior dolls, special days of master classes and lectures by professional puppeteers and designers are also highlighted. The second international exhibition of the author's interior doll “Together forever” is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russian ballet, therefore there are a lot of portraits of prominent ballet dancers, historical heroes and fairy-tale characters, scenes from ballet performances among the masters. The exhibition will also organize a competition for the title of the best puppeteer among the Kazakhstan masters. A jury of 9 people will evaluate the artistic component of the works, the cleanliness in the technique of performance, the expressiveness of the forms, the best costume and compliance with the theme of the exhibition. Visitors to the exhibition will also be able to contribute to the definition of the best master by selecting the winner of the audience award. The exhibition will be held at the State Museum of Art of RK. A. Kasteev from 1 to 11 November 2018.
Вторая Международная выставка авторской интерьерной куклы «Вместе навсегда», посвященная 200-летию русского балета
Сказочные осенние каникулы подарит Генеральное консульство России в Алма-Ате, представительство Россотрудничества в Республике Казахстан, Государственный музей искусств РК им. А. Кастеева и сообщество кукольников Казахстана «Центр Вселенной Кукол». Совместный проект-выставка авторской интерьерной куклы «ВМЕСТЕ НАВСЕГДА», посвященный 200-летию русского балета с 1 по 11 ноября станет настоящим подарком для алматинцев: события для участников любого возраста, удивительные встречи, театральные постановки и куклы с душой – далеко не полная программа уже Второй Международной выставки. Для поклонников интерьерной куклы также выделены особые дни мастер-классов и лекций профессионалов кукольников и дизайнеров. Вторая Международная выставка авторской интерьерной куклы «Вместе навсегда» посвящена 200-летию русского балета, поэтому среди работ мастеров немало портретов выдающихся артистов балета, исторических героев и сказочных персонажей, сцен из балетных постановок. В рамках выставки будет также организован конкурс на звание лучшего кукольника среди Казахстанских мастеров. Жюри из 9 человек будет оценивать художественную составляющую произведений, чистоту в технике исполнения, выразительность форм, лучший костюм и соответствие теме выставки. Посетители выставки также смогут внести свой вклад в определении лучшего мастера, выбрав обладателя приза зрительских симпатий. Выставка пройдет в Государственном музее искусств РК им. А. Кастеева с 1 по 11 ноября 2018 г.
Second International Exhibition of the Designer Interior Doll “Together Forever,” dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russian balletFabulous autumn holidays will be presented by the Consulate General of Russia in Almaty, the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteeva and the puppeteers community of Kazakhstan "Center of the Universe of Dolls". The joint project-exhibition of the designer interior doll “TOGETHER FOREVER” dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russian ballet from November 1 to 11 will be a real gift for Almaty residents: events for participants of any age, amazing meetings, theatrical performances and dolls with soul are far from complete Second International Exhibition. For fans of interior dolls, special days of master classes and lectures by professional puppeteers and designers are also highlighted. The second international exhibition of the author's interior doll “Together forever” is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russian ballet, therefore there are a lot of portraits of prominent ballet dancers, historical heroes and fairy-tale characters, scenes from ballet performances among the masters. The exhibition will also organize a competition for the title of the best puppeteer among the Kazakhstan masters. A jury of 9 people will evaluate the artistic component of the works, the cleanliness in the technique of performance, the expressiveness of the forms, the best costume and compliance with the theme of the exhibition. Visitors to the exhibition will also be able to contribute to the definition of the best master by selecting the winner of the audience award. The exhibition will be held at the State Museum of Art of RK. A. Kasteev from 1 to 11 November 2018
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