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Wardrobe: Anar Akkozy-Karakozy

Many thanks exclusive hats salon «Elegant»!

Anar Akkozy-Karakozy - painter and art producer.

Анар Аккозы-Каракозы - художник и арт-продюсер.

What style do you prefer?

Anar Akkozy-Karakozy: «I prefer free style which is comfortable to move, to feel myself like the modern, stylish and harmonious person.  I have 3 main styles: business, creative and sports. It is important to me that the fabric, color, and style fit me. I love natural fabrics. But, first of all, I feel myself as sports and dynamic nature, therefore, sometimes I find it very difficult to get out of the House. Can you imagine? The best option for me is when I precisely know what I’m going to do tomorrow and where. It is often necessary to be a glamorous business woman, and fashionable art producer, and simply the buyer in the building/vegetable market.


Wardrobe: Alyona Zinchenko

Alyona Zinchenko - yoga instructor, psychologist, event manager.

Алёна Зинченко - инструктор йоги, психолог, организатор мероприятий.

What style do you prefer?

Alyona Zinchenko: «I prefer sporty style because my life is connected with sport, in particular with yoga. It is comfortable and can be worn anywhere. And when I go to parties, I try to wear something bright, extravagant or formal».

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