NEWS: In October, Almaty women have the opportunity to undergo unique practices and trainings with Eugenia Frolova Vanaht
In October, Almaty women have the opportunity to undergo unique practices and trainings with Eugenia Frolova Vanaht
In October, Almaty women have the opportunity to undergo unique practices and trainings with Eugenia Frolova Vanaht
On September 14, the limited collection of H&M Studio Autumn/Winter 17 is on sale.
September 28 will be a free master class «Shristi: the art of being a parent»
Since September 12, the training «Lessons of modern Geisha: School of Women's Power» begins
September 10 The French House invites you to celebrate the International Day of Beauty
September 9 will be held exhibition-festival of classic cars VILLA Retro Car 2017