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Almost fairies and pirates

Funny, touching, exciting and magical computer animated film «The Pirate Fairy» is set to be released on February 13 in all cinemas. In this animation movie from «Disney» the colorful history about fairies and a «piracy subject» were connected. And we, first of all, were wondering how to beat the delicate and fairy light clothes and a brutal pirate outfit in the costumes of heroes. Indeed, the authors of «The Pirate Fairy» tried so much over the images of the heroes.


Pretty flirty skirt

To be honest, any flared skirts are my passion. It can be long, midi, mini, warm, lightweight and any type. Whenever I see flared skirt in the shop, I shall buy it exactly even if it is «nowhere suitable».  Oh, yes! If the skirt to nothing suitable from what is already in my wardrobe I just need to buy something appropriate with it and the problem will be solved. And this flirty red skirt can be combined with almost any «top» and footwear. It can become a bright addition to a casual outfit or it turn into a cocktail look. Will only need to wear a nice blouse and add a bit of shiny jewelry. This combination of skirt, the striped sweater and boots on a hairpin are perfect for the date!

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